Our Process
We believe the key to any staffing solution is understanding the intricacies of your work load, seasonality, specific training requirements, experience and skills required. With that in mind, COMMUNICATION is king.
We will commit time to discussing with you who YOU require, then go to market to find the right person - rather than telling you who we have available and trying to make them fit.
Our time costs you nothing, but we understand your time costs you everything - we fundamentally understand this from our own business experience. We know what to ask you to understand exactly who you need, then we find the best candidate for you to meet that criteria.
We understand that attitude is everything. We strive for candidates with the very best attitude to work, ‘pull up your sleeves and get it done’ type people that are willing to go the extra mile. Honest, decent, positive and keen people - this is the stuff money can’t buy, and training can’t train.
We actively hunt out people with these crucial attributes first. Then we put them through our own inductions, health and safety briefings, vetting processes, and establish and undertake any further training that is required. All that before you even meet them! You can be assured that once one of our staff comes to your site, they are well oiled and ready for your site.
Full Vetting and Screening
We thoroughly check everyone through ACC, Ministry of Justice, NZTA and Right To Work. We have qualified Drug and Alcohol testers on site and test everyone before they begin work. We will thoroughly interview and understand the candidate, getting a full background on them with references for you. We also verify vaccination status for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Full PPE Provided
All of our staff will come with FULL PPE required in your profession.
Full H&S Induction and Ongoing Training Offered
We induct our staff fully about H&S responsibilities, and can offer industry specific training for the right individuals. We have a MasterDrive trainer available in-house and are certified to carry out SiteSafe and ConstructSafe qualifications.
Simply fill in this form and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your recruitment needs/see how we can help.